
Post-Independence in 1959 to relive the empowerment and self reliance of rural sector, Odisha Rajya Talgur Samabaya Sangha Ltd was established as an Apex Cooperative Society under OCS Act-1951 for development of  Palmgur (Date-Palm Jaggery) and other allied Village industries in the State.Currently, the Management of the Sangha Vests with  Director of Industries-cum Addl. Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Odisha as per OCS Act., after expiration of the term of elected Committee of Management w.e.f.15.7.2020.



Aims & Objective

To facilitate sustainable economic development of the people engaged in making palm jaggery and allied products in Odisha, by helping them with the adoption of modern production technology and with aiding strategic sales and marketing techniques.